For some background information, please ensure that you read through the technical bulletin attached. Please note that the charges noted are by Certificate of Analysis (report) not by QP form.
Please note that you do not need to be a QP to initiate the form.
The information below will help guide you on how best to handle these requests as they come in.
When Requested At Time of Login:
1. PSS To Process
2. Add the appropriate QC test code
Inorganic- QPINORG
Organic- QPORG
Both must be added if there are organics and inorganics tests on the job. The test code only needs to be added once per job.
3. Charge the client
The client should NOT be charged when QP Certification is requested at time of login.
4. Complete QP Form
Fill out the attached QP form with the address and name of the report to on the chain of custody.
Add the transaction number if provided on the chain of custody.
If there is a pre-existing saved QP form for this client in the system please use that in place. The location of this form should be indicated in the client remarks.
5. Communication to Lab
Send an email to the lab with the file cover of the job, and the QP form attached. Please ensure to include the correct data validation group based on the tests required.
When Requested on Historical Job:
1. PSR To Process
PSR to receive email request in BVS and complete the below tasks
2. Complete Addon
Add to first sample:
Inorganic- QPINORG and TECH-SS
Organic- QPORG and TECH-SS3
Both QPINORG and QPORG must be added if there are organics and inorganics tests on the job. The test code only needs to be added once per job. Ensure report comment is added with report version number.
3. Charge Client
The client should be charged $110 per hour. Do not charge the QPINORG and QPORG, but add the charge to the TECH- SS and TECH-SS3 test codes in their place. Split the number of hours between the TECH-SS and TECH-SS3 to ensure each department receives an allocation of the charges.
4. Complete QP Form
Fill out the attached QP form with the address and name of report to indicated in the email by the client. If not provided please use the information on the chain of custody.
Add the transaction number if provided by the client.
If there is a pre-existing saved QP form for this client in the system please use that in place. The location of this form should be indicated in the client remarks.
5. Communication to Lab
Send an email to the lab with the file cover of the job, and the QP form attached. Please ensure to include the correct data validation group based on the tests required.