eCOC makes working together easier. With a traditional paper COC, the field activities and lab requests can be a blind spot until the confirmation report is received. Any errors and omissions are typically not caught until later in the process and this can lead to delays in getting results. With eCOC however, your teammates have real time access to submission information and the flexibility to verify, update or edit the submissions in the customer portal up until the time the samples are logged in at the lab.
Example 1: You have a new team member collecting samples in the field. They are not sure if they filled out the eCOC correctly and need someone to double check. You can open up their eCOC, review what they did, make corrections on the fly and complete the submission on their behalf.
Example 2: You are about to hand over your samples to the courier, but are unsure if a particular set of parameters is going to be needed. No problem, save or click submit to get your eCOC tracking number. Put the tracking form in the cooler and send your samples off to the lab. While they are on route, you can talk with your team members and then make the updates to your eCOC submission. When the samples arrive at the lab, the work instructions are complete, accurate and the samples get processed right away.