Soil Vapour Investigations - Set up steps

Modified on: Fri, 10 May, 2019 at 1:09 PM

Below is a brief summary of the steps required to set up an effective soil vapour sampling event.

  1. Install soil vapour or sub-slab probe
  2. Cover surface area around soil vapour probe
  3. Check potential vacuum in probe (should be less than 10 inches water)
  4. Determine volume of sampling well (volume of sand pack and tubing)
  5. Determine volume of sampling train
  6. Perform shut-in test on sampling train
  7. Attach sampling train to soil vapour probe
  8. Cover sampling train and probe with shroud
  9. Add helium into shroud (target 20 to 40% helium)
  10. Purge three well/tubing volumes into Tedlar bag in vacuum box
  11. Using the filled Tedlar bag test for helium
  12. Helium in bag should be less than 1% of the helium level under the shroud
  13. Also test Tedlar bag for other gases (O2, CO2, CH4, total TPH)
  14. If all indicators are within criteria, begin soil vapour collection

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